Sunday, July 19, 2015

Module 9 - Working with Rasters

This week's lab had us complete a basic suitability analysis using raster data - all from a Python script! Enabling Spatial Analyst within our code allowed us to reclassify a land cover data set and modify an elevation raster to show a specific slope and aspect range. The raster results were then combined to form a single raster file with Boolean values - a '0' indicated areas of the raster that did not meet the stated requirements, and a '1' indicated that the areas did meet all of the stated requirements. An image of the final result is shown below.

Final script results showing the combined raster files.
Completing the code this week seemed pretty straightforward - the only problems I ran into concerned missing brackets or misspelled words. A pseudocode example of creating the raster files is as follows:

          Define the land cover variable and its Remap Value
          Define the output of the Remap Value land cover variable using Reclassify
          Create an elevation raster object
          Create the slope variable using the .Slope function
          Separate out all slope values < 20
          Separate out all slope values > 5
          Create the aspect variable using the .Aspect function
          Separate out all aspect values < 270
          Separate out all aspect values > 150
          Combine all of the slope, aspect, and land cover rasters into a single raster
          Save the final combined raster


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