Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lab 5a - Intro to ERDAS Imagine and Digital Data 1

This week's lab was mostly a tutorial on how to navigate within ERDAS Imagine.

Detail view of land cover data set within Washington State.
The functionality of ERDAS Imagine is great - it makes sense on the user's end, and one doesn't really need to drill down into various properties just to change one little thing.  Being able to mess with each color band was neat, and helped to make certain aspects of remotely sensed imagery processing a little less abstract.  However some drawbacks to the program do seem to be its map making capabilities (there are known bug issues).  The above map was finished using ArcGIS.

The view above is an inset of a much larger classed raster image.  It took some tries to get the correct view extent to transfer over to ArcGIS... even though this step was spelled out in the directions I suppose I still needed to do my own trial and error to learn this part! 

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